I do realize January 26th is a little delinquent for a Christmas story, but I feel I must share this rare Justice Keene moment. Justice is sitting in the front. Cameron is sitting on his dads lap over to the right of the picture, hiding. He's not a crowd kinda kid--yet.
On Christmas Eve Santa made a guest appearance to Momma Keene's place of employment. I read to the 20+ kids anticipating Santa "Twas the Night Before Christmas." After the book was finished, we had a few minutes to kill while Santa parked his sleigh. I asked the kids if they wanted to sing a few songs while we were waiting for the big man to arrive.
So Justice, being the shy little kid he is, stands up and addresses the crowd. Not planned or coached, just gets up and stands in front of the chair. I would estimate there was about 60 adults and 30 kids. Justice says in his teacher voice, "So, we went to Quincy last night. Santa's was in a house outside of Sears! I waved at him. So now, I would like to sing a song." Justice clears his voice and stands up straight to address the crowd, yet again. "Weeee wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas....and a Happy New Year. Thanks everyone. Now lets just wait on Santa." I was laughing so hard, I started to cry.
Coach's kids are born leaders. They see their parents addressing the crowd with ease. They see their parents, truly in their element, when in front of large groups. Justice has picked up on this trait with style. Whether he is going to Saturday morning practice watching his father address the players or he comes to work with mommy and watches her direct the crowd, he sees us leading.
The Keene boys are destined to be leaders. Its in their blood. I guess you could say its just second nature!