Justice has added yet another duty to his job description on the Illini West coaching staff. He now shakes the opposing players hand during the starting line up before the game and wishes them "good luck!" The other day he went to shake a players hand and gave her his fist at that last minute and said, "pound it, play well!" My all time favorite was after Justice shook this tall girls hand he says, "boo yaaah." I was laughing so hard, I began to cry when he stated this fact from the Charger floor.
Speaking of "Boo Yah", the team is now 17-2. Ranked as the best start in Illini West history not to mention right up there as one of the better starts in Bluegirl history. Funny thing, I will never understand the media. After we won the Beardstown Tournament the Peoria paper headlines were "Havana Ducks Lose." Then, when we lost our first game on a 12 game winning streak the paper says, "Chargers finally lose." Another one of my favorites this year is, "all the other teams you have played are down." Come on, lets give these girls some credit! This just goes to prove our society would rather dwell on the negative, any day. Why not focus on something good? Because sadly enough, negative sells. Negative news travels faster than positive. Be the change, share something positive and don't be a slave to the negative...
"Boo, blah"--From Mam ma Bear all the way to wee baby bear, all the Keene's have tackled the flu this 3 day weekend. Coach Keene is the last of the bears to have the bug. As I type he is burrowed down in the covers freezing between worshiping the porcelain throne. Men are just pathetic when they are sick. He is literally giving himself a pregame speech that "HE WILL" be well for the game tomorrow. "HE WILL" be well enough to coach. And lastly "HE WILL" make sure this is only a 14 hour virus. Oh, the power of positive sports psychology. If a bystander was listening to this they would think he needed to be shipped to the loony bin. I also think he might be a little delirious. He just told me if he ever got fired from coaching he was going to open a tea shop and call it "T-You Up Time". Maybe I will start the car and drop him off at the loony bin myself.
Well, only time will tell if this mental proclamation worked. I will put all my money down on Coach Keene will be at the game, pink tie and all, ready to go. Don't forget tomorrows game theme is "hope for cure." They have already raised $1500 for Cancer at the Memorial Hospital. Booo YAH, Ladies! Way to go...