While searching for my joy; God spoke. In trusting his timing I learned he is not the author of confusion but the leader of peace and rest. Today, I am compelled to share my story. Offer hope in troubled times. We must be courageous in Christ and realize their is a "set time" for everything. God is my joy and IN-COURAGE is my legacy. How will I lead with joy in Christ? IN-COURAGE others. It took a career earthquake for me to stop and listen.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Mini Norman Dale
It should be no surprise our family loves the movie Hoosiers. Every year as the weather starts to turn cool, TNT has a Hoosier's marathons. As if that is not enough, we own the movie. Justice has watched it so many times he is constantly throwing out quotes randomly around the house. He does not fall far from the tree because Coach Keene has the movie memorized. "Don't get caught watching the paint dry Cam." "It okay, it's my assistant coach." "Coach stays, I stay." Seriously, the kid has a comment for most moments.
Justice loves Coach Sears. Coach Sears let Justice be the ball boy the first game of the season IF he produced five 100% on his spelling tests. Justice worked extra hard those weeks. Coach let Justice come into the locker room this past homecoming weekend. Ironically, we were playing IW. Its my understanding that Coach gave the pre-game speech and then asked Justice if he had anything to say. A Keene has rarely ever been at a loss for words so Justice walked to the front of the orange and black players suited up to play with confidence. Justice cleared his throat. "Don't worry about the size of the crowd. Don't worry about the fancy uniforms. It's Homecoming, lets Beat Illini West!" Justice pulled a mini Norman Dale. For those that don't know who Norman Dale is--he's the basketball coach of Hickory. When Hickory was in the locker room before tip off Coach Dale gave this exact speech.
Justice IS Norman Dale in his room. His room is set up just like a locker room. I constantly hear him giving those words of encouragement to his stuffed animals. No doubt in my mind Justice is on track to be a great leader someday. No doubt in my mind Hoosiers is one of the best movies ever made.
The Worrying Gene
Eyelash Causalities due to Stress--16
Number of People Who Have Noticed--2
Martha Moments this Week-17
Mary Moments-1
Justice is very aware. And by that word I mean a worrier. When he is outside he is constantly watching Cameron. Often correcting his every move. No matter how many times I tell Justice I'm watching; he still worries. Every night before bed we have to talk about what day it is tomorrow. He remains convinced, often to tears, he will not be able to control the circumstances of what is to come. I often just wish he would relax and play ball.
I know this behavior is crazy. I am the mother and he is seven. Doesn't mother know best? I must confess--He is just like me. I'm so sorry J-Man. Most days I think I can control my circumstances, even if it brings me to absolute tears. I come from a long line of worriers so it must be in his blood.
Speaking of worries--ugh, my beach body, Know anywhere a girl can get Botox, liposuction and a spray tan by Thursday? As I pack a few vacation essentials into my blue rolly bag--my big problem is myself. It amazing what stress will do to a middle aged mothers body. I can just look at something and gain five pounds. I've always struggled with my weight. And when a girl struggles with her body, everything mentally stuffers. I continue to tell myself God has a size six glorified body waiting for me someday in heaven. Unfortunately, this does not always ease my self conscientious mind. I have a great trainer/life coach. I feel like everything, and yes, I mean everything has got in our way of being physically fit in 2013. Thank God she is understanding. I probably would choke me by now. In a fateful kind of way I think we both help each other.
Speaking of fate--Had a lady at work stop in my office Friday. "Hey, thought you were on vacation?" No, next week. She kindly asked where were we going. After I indulged the conversation she left by saying, "hope your plane doesn't crash." Unbelievable. Were some people born in a barn when it comes to polite conversations. I wanted to scream OFF WITH HER HEAD, but I just smiled and said, "if its God's will." Worry number 3567 this week, my plane crashes. Once she planted this terrible seed into my ever so worrying mind I re-analyzed my will and said a prayer.
What does God say about worry? Worrying is the opposite of trusting God. I need to remember to be more like Mary and just sit at the feet of Jesus and pray. Not always an easy task for a controlling and urgent mother. (Philippians 4:6-7 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.)Now to spend my Sunday afternoon packing four people for two different directions---and to not worry.
Number of People Who Have Noticed--2
Martha Moments this Week-17
Mary Moments-1
Justice is very aware. And by that word I mean a worrier. When he is outside he is constantly watching Cameron. Often correcting his every move. No matter how many times I tell Justice I'm watching; he still worries. Every night before bed we have to talk about what day it is tomorrow. He remains convinced, often to tears, he will not be able to control the circumstances of what is to come. I often just wish he would relax and play ball.
I know this behavior is crazy. I am the mother and he is seven. Doesn't mother know best? I must confess--He is just like me. I'm so sorry J-Man. Most days I think I can control my circumstances, even if it brings me to absolute tears. I come from a long line of worriers so it must be in his blood.
Speaking of worries--ugh, my beach body, Know anywhere a girl can get Botox, liposuction and a spray tan by Thursday? As I pack a few vacation essentials into my blue rolly bag--my big problem is myself. It amazing what stress will do to a middle aged mothers body. I can just look at something and gain five pounds. I've always struggled with my weight. And when a girl struggles with her body, everything mentally stuffers. I continue to tell myself God has a size six glorified body waiting for me someday in heaven. Unfortunately, this does not always ease my self conscientious mind. I have a great trainer/life coach. I feel like everything, and yes, I mean everything has got in our way of being physically fit in 2013. Thank God she is understanding. I probably would choke me by now. In a fateful kind of way I think we both help each other.
Speaking of fate--Had a lady at work stop in my office Friday. "Hey, thought you were on vacation?" No, next week. She kindly asked where were we going. After I indulged the conversation she left by saying, "hope your plane doesn't crash." Unbelievable. Were some people born in a barn when it comes to polite conversations. I wanted to scream OFF WITH HER HEAD, but I just smiled and said, "if its God's will." Worry number 3567 this week, my plane crashes. Once she planted this terrible seed into my ever so worrying mind I re-analyzed my will and said a prayer.
What does God say about worry? Worrying is the opposite of trusting God. I need to remember to be more like Mary and just sit at the feet of Jesus and pray. Not always an easy task for a controlling and urgent mother. (Philippians 4:6-7 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.)Now to spend my Sunday afternoon packing four people for two different directions---and to not worry.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Relationship Hierarchy
Years Married--10
Date Nights this Year--1
Need I really remind myself that Coach is the total package, and not just because he's tall, blonde and handsome. He's one of the most motivational and inspirational people I know, not to mention the funniest. He's confident and often cocky. He loves God, loves our kids and secretly loves our cat Emma. He's passionate about shaping the lives of high school kids and is constantly looking at both sides. He dreams big and works hard every day. He cleans, does laundry and is constantly reminding the kids to respect their mother. And he's got a nice butt. When it comes to husbands I hit the jackpot.
We had a perfect start. Fell pretty quickly and I knew he was the one. Although, I had no idea he was thinking about a proposal the day the bling came. In spite of our perfect story, as every married person knows, reality finds us all. I laugh at the first few years I thought Coach could do no wrong. Ten years later and two kids, I'm not always easy to please. And that is not a criticism of Coach's--he's the same guy I married. It's a criticism of myself and the expectations I place on marriage.
Don't we all want a fairytale ladies? Yea--swept off our feet daily. I want it all--to be loved, protected, adorned. At the very least. And, unfortunately for Coach, ALL, changes daily--sometimes hourly. Are fairy tale ladies as high maintenance as I often am? I have never heard Cinderella complain. Think of all the wicked spells and cleaning she has endured. She did it all in heels and a dress. My feet hurt from a long day in tennis shoes and khakis.
I spend my day surviving the chaos of work, endless lists, juggling kids and coach's schedule, phone calls from my family and friends, social media (should leave that one out) projects and pinterest, cooking, cleaning and working out. Deep breath. As I learn to seek balance I need to spend more quality time with my husband. Normally, once the kids have fought falling asleep, their clothes and backpacks are ready for the next day and shoes are found--I'm exhausted. Relationship don't grow under neglect. Our fast food culture pushes us to get the most done in the shortest amount of time. Yeah, I know, what are you getting at Andrea---just get to the point.
Relationship suffer when God is benched. Thought I better throw in a coaches wife reference! When I make spending time with God a priority, I find I always have time for my husband. I'm selfish less. I loose my temper less. I am less likely to keep a list of wrongs. I am more self controlled and generous. Kinda like that proverbs lady IS somewhere inside of me breaking free. Its amazing when I rearrange the relationship hierarchy--God, Coach, Kids and then the rest of the world--I feel the deepest exhale from within. Moral of the story, set my alarm 30 mins earlier to spend time with God. Make him the starter of my day rather than the afterthought. This can only help in the fourth quarter to have the time out we both need together. Speaking of quality time--only 13 days until our getaway. Praise God for vacation days AND grandparents for that matter. Did I mention the resort is six golden apples adults only!
Hoots--Daycare Kids
Major Issues '13--49
Cursed out this week--4
Punch List--3
She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. Proverbs 31:25
2013 has been rough. From floods to fires to court dates to stalkers--its been real bad. As I sit here with a spiked Capri-Sun in my hand, and still somewhat bitter about my Spaghetti-O birthday, I pray for grace. I love this verse above and I pray to be this woman. I need to laugh more. I love that nothing takes her swagger. It takes some Godly strength to push back from the pressure of this world. When I think about all the energy I have exerted on negativity I pray for a change. When some people need a change they go to happy hour or a therapist. And when I need a change, I go to daycare.
When I walk into the blue room with ten little cribs, I reach specifically for my lil Hootie. This is my special name for my nephew Tristan. Zach continues to say, "Really Andrea, are you going to call him that when he's older?" My reply is normally a dirty look. Hoot and I play for awhile. Then we rock with a bottle until he falls asleep. I lay him down in the crib with a delicate kiss. I never can just leave. I find myself being drawn in by some of the babies that are crying. I stop. Shake some toys or move them to a swing. I hate to see them cry. I smile and laugh. They laugh back. I have no idea what their names are or what parents they belong to. I just know I would want someone to love my kid when I was not available.
Driving back to work it hit me. I am exactly where God wants me to be. Forty nine incidents and all. Just like me, Hootie has someone watching over him during the day giving him everything he needs. When I feel alone at the big desk, Christ is moving me to a swing or shaking a toy over me saying, "stop crying, you are valuable." He reminds me that he will never leave me, just like those moms/dads that drop off. He reminds me I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. And Boom---When I remember these promises---that woman of strength and dignity appears! So how in the world did I make it thirty seven years without knowing how selfish I really was? On another note, why did God throw me into the deep end of the corporate pool when I only know how to doggie paddle?
Well, in spite of my selfishness God sees the person I will become. God sees the person I am becoming. And that my readers--is true grace. Not the forty nine incidents just this year--he sees how that crisis is shaping me into the woman with strength and dignity. Wow--Stick a fork in it, done. Boom. Proverbs woman or bust.
Cursed out this week--4
Punch List--3
She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. Proverbs 31:25
2013 has been rough. From floods to fires to court dates to stalkers--its been real bad. As I sit here with a spiked Capri-Sun in my hand, and still somewhat bitter about my Spaghetti-O birthday, I pray for grace. I love this verse above and I pray to be this woman. I need to laugh more. I love that nothing takes her swagger. It takes some Godly strength to push back from the pressure of this world. When I think about all the energy I have exerted on negativity I pray for a change. When some people need a change they go to happy hour or a therapist. And when I need a change, I go to daycare.
When I walk into the blue room with ten little cribs, I reach specifically for my lil Hootie. This is my special name for my nephew Tristan. Zach continues to say, "Really Andrea, are you going to call him that when he's older?" My reply is normally a dirty look. Hoot and I play for awhile. Then we rock with a bottle until he falls asleep. I lay him down in the crib with a delicate kiss. I never can just leave. I find myself being drawn in by some of the babies that are crying. I stop. Shake some toys or move them to a swing. I hate to see them cry. I smile and laugh. They laugh back. I have no idea what their names are or what parents they belong to. I just know I would want someone to love my kid when I was not available.
Driving back to work it hit me. I am exactly where God wants me to be. Forty nine incidents and all. Just like me, Hootie has someone watching over him during the day giving him everything he needs. When I feel alone at the big desk, Christ is moving me to a swing or shaking a toy over me saying, "stop crying, you are valuable." He reminds me that he will never leave me, just like those moms/dads that drop off. He reminds me I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. And Boom---When I remember these promises---that woman of strength and dignity appears! So how in the world did I make it thirty seven years without knowing how selfish I really was? On another note, why did God throw me into the deep end of the corporate pool when I only know how to doggie paddle?
Well, in spite of my selfishness God sees the person I will become. God sees the person I am becoming. And that my readers--is true grace. Not the forty nine incidents just this year--he sees how that crisis is shaping me into the woman with strength and dignity. Wow--Stick a fork in it, done. Boom. Proverbs woman or bust.
Friday, September 27, 2013
All Aboard!
How do you get high performance results from your team? Love the passengers riding the bus. I mean REALLY love them. Jon Gordon has developed five ways to love your people.
1-Make time for them. How many of us have had a boss that has never asked about your family? Hands in the air. When you show true invested interest in your staff the support-o-meter goes up. When employees feel valued they connect. Turn over goes down and job satisfaction goes to the sky.
2-Listen to them. Time is sometimes an enemy to the leader. Often the squeaky wheel gets the oil, right? I read once a leader should be teaching, coaching and training 50% of their time. This means listening to your people. Some of the best advice and ideas for me have came from the people who work day in and day out in the department. Take the time. Open your door and listen.
3-Recognize them. I don’t mean trophies or an award banquet, sometimes “thank you” speaks volumes. As a leader I do my best to point out over the top behavior. I write hand written notes. I bring in chair massages and in a few weeks we are going tailgating at WIU. Public praise is remarkable. Feed the positive passenger and they will want to do more things right.
4-Serve Them. Believe me, I’m on call 24/7 and I feel like a servant. The first way I serve my passengers is consistency. Your passengers need, and want for that matter, to know what is expected. Second, I’m not afraid to get dirty. Serving your people understands their role. Often that means cleaning a bathroom, dealing with an angry person, or making rounds in their shoes. Don’t concentrate on the past, focus your energy on the positive change when you serve.
5-Bring out the best in them. The best way a leader can bring out the best is by helping their passenger discovery their strengths. Creating a system to help them shine can not only improve their performance, but the entire team’s performance. Nothing makes me prouder than when an employee gets promoted or moves on to chase their full potential. When a C.N.A. leaves us upon graduation from nursing school or a manager leaves for a new marketing position. Smiles all around. Bringing out the best in your people, can also bring out the best in the driver.
These five ideas of loving your passengers can be applied to work and home. Personally, I am committed to finding a balance. These 70 hour work weeks are for the birds. Coach and I are taking a much needed getaway in a few weeks. Rest and reading bring out the best in both of us. We do recognize good grades, good decisions, and good behavior at home. My favorite time to really listen to my kids is at night. Coach and I both read to our kids, every night. We rotate each evening to get some quality time with one kid. Cameron loves to share the Pledge of Allegiance after our prayer. He is so proud of his new learned patriotism. He also tells me stories about the class pet Lucy. Cameron thinks Lucy reads books and fly’s around the room at night. Cameron loves school. This makes my heart happy. Serving Justice is easy, give him a ball and a scorebook the kid is set. His stories are now becoming more mature. He tells me at night what he wants to wear the next day. He gives me lists for the store like smelly boy soap and deodorant…and maybe some of those Clearasil wipes for my face. He’s so funny. As parents we are trying to bring the best out in our kids, I actually think they bring out the best in us.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Clean Houses Are Over-Rated
Major Incidents in 2013: 49
Days Until I Start Vacation: 15
People who I WISH would pay me a compliment: 7
Luke 10:38-42
As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. 39 She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. 40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”
41 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one.[a] Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
I get Martha. Good Grief--I AM Martha. She worked hard and stayed busy. She was a planner, and she was stressed. There were so many things on her to do list that she was not able to spend time with Jesus. It's easy to judge Martha, but I can imagine her motives would have been similar to mine if Jesus and his crew was coming to my house. To be the best homemaker in town. To impress. I bet she even lost sleep planning the meal and how everything she wanted to be perfect.
Mary, on the flip side was a cool cat. That state of mind is almost foreign to me--seriously I'm controlling and urgent 15 hours out of the day. She was not concerned with her reputation. Mary just sat and listened to Jesus, and hers was the choice Jesus preferred. I have to wonder what Mary got to hear while Martha was in the kitchen. For that matter, I have to wonder about all the things I miss when I am consumed with my lists. Gotta think--Jesus is not a fan of when I am trying to impress people. Wonder what my days would be like if I were more like Mary?
Ironically--Jesus does not say all exhausted coaches wives that run healthcare business's with two wild children should caffeinate to accomplish more. Rather He invites us to come to Him--and when we do--HE provides us with rest. We can decide to rest, but real soul rest is at the feet of Jesus. When we truly lay down our agenda and focus on his agenda everything changes. He accepts me---messy house and all. As for my family, not so sure.
Coach and I could both take a lesson from Mary. As we were sitting on the couch last night cuddling my new sweet nephew I asked him, "Do you remember doing this when I kids were little?" We both shook our heads no. I felt convicted. I am trying so hard to get though everyday, I forget to enjoy everyday. The boys will grow up and the only thing I will have is a clean house. Now, to figure out how to be more like Mary...
Days Until I Start Vacation: 15
People who I WISH would pay me a compliment: 7
Luke 10:38-42
As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. 39 She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. 40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”
41 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one.[a] Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
I get Martha. Good Grief--I AM Martha. She worked hard and stayed busy. She was a planner, and she was stressed. There were so many things on her to do list that she was not able to spend time with Jesus. It's easy to judge Martha, but I can imagine her motives would have been similar to mine if Jesus and his crew was coming to my house. To be the best homemaker in town. To impress. I bet she even lost sleep planning the meal and how everything she wanted to be perfect.
Mary, on the flip side was a cool cat. That state of mind is almost foreign to me--seriously I'm controlling and urgent 15 hours out of the day. She was not concerned with her reputation. Mary just sat and listened to Jesus, and hers was the choice Jesus preferred. I have to wonder what Mary got to hear while Martha was in the kitchen. For that matter, I have to wonder about all the things I miss when I am consumed with my lists. Gotta think--Jesus is not a fan of when I am trying to impress people. Wonder what my days would be like if I were more like Mary?
Ironically--Jesus does not say all exhausted coaches wives that run healthcare business's with two wild children should caffeinate to accomplish more. Rather He invites us to come to Him--and when we do--HE provides us with rest. We can decide to rest, but real soul rest is at the feet of Jesus. When we truly lay down our agenda and focus on his agenda everything changes. He accepts me---messy house and all. As for my family, not so sure.
Coach and I could both take a lesson from Mary. As we were sitting on the couch last night cuddling my new sweet nephew I asked him, "Do you remember doing this when I kids were little?" We both shook our heads no. I felt convicted. I am trying so hard to get though everyday, I forget to enjoy everyday. The boys will grow up and the only thing I will have is a clean house. Now, to figure out how to be more like Mary...
One Word
Come aboard our energy bus! I have challenged my management team to pick one word that personifies what leadership characteristics they want to portray in the next six month. In order to fill our bus with positive passengers (staff) we need to choose a destination.
Communication, Service, Compassion, Stability, Love and Satisfaction will be the fuel words keeping our energy bus on the road. We put these words on our printed out bus and made a commitment to start today. Beep, Beep! Have I mentioned how awesome my team is? Amazing how quickly they buy into a new concept--its refreshing. Can’t wait to share our first stop on the road...
This conversation sparked such a great discussion; I decided to take it to the Keene dinner table. I asked my boys, including the big boy, a simple question. We are a team. Each person around the table has a job, right? Big smiles from the peanut gallery. Justice yells, “Moms in charge!” Listen Justice, as I held back my grin. Can you boys think of a word to make our team better? Cameron said, “Play!” Good word Cam. If we don’t have some fun, what’s the point! Justice said, “Positive.” Another good idea. Life is hard. We have to find the silver lining sometimes. Coach said, “Time Management.” Agreed. Our lives are a scheduling nightmare. And my word was Support. Tonight, I am bringing home a picture of our family that we can all write our words on for accountability. I am a big believer that if you don’t see it, you won’t achieve it. Each night when we go around the table to share our day, we will incorporate our Team Keene words into the conversation. No matter how old you are or how many people you lead it’s important to have a focus. My goal is to focus more on the positive energy and teach my kids how to handle adversity. One word is a start.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Happy 4th Birthday Cameron Meyer!

Hard to believe that Cameron is now older than Justice was when he was born. Oh, how time flies and oh, how much our lives have changed since I last logged into this blog. It's been so long since I have dialed into the home huddle, I had to receive a code to my phone to crack the security. Geezer. I have truly missed the weekly therapy of writing about our family. I stopped for a few personal reasons. This is my disclosure to all parties reading my words------This blog is dedicated to my kids. I write for them and only them. When small minded people choose to make fun of your life over social media its called bullying. I write for the love of my kids and for Coach. I write about the passion we have for leading people. It's a 24/7 job, and we love it even though it sucks the life out of us sometimes. Our professions have taught us--and our kids for that matter--lessons that most never get exposed to. It has shaped us into transparent, hard working, God and family centered people. I am the voice for people who are in the spotlight. Not like Brad Pitt or other famous stars, but people who believe in change. People who believe in pushing limits and stepping out of your comfort zone. Not just people who live to clock out. I would not change a thing or a blog I have posted for that matter over that last four years. When mediocrity is jealous they go directly to posting "throw up" on facebook. When professionals are hurt they say nothing. And THAT my friends speaks more than social media ever could. I've been hurt for awhile now. It's time to heal that pain with words of encouragement. I have decided to reinvent my home huddle as we quickly approach season 11. Stay tuned. I look forward to the next part of my blog journey with you or without you...
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