As a person who believes that the glass is half-full, would you believe that I have days when I don’t know how I am going to make it. There are days when I wonder if I am making a difference here on earth or at best just being an annoying echo.
It is in these rare moments, and I do mean rare, when someone will e-mail me or call out the blue with the greatest words of encouragement. How did they know that their words were just what I needed to hear at that exact moment? Did they have ESP or were dialed into a higher power? Well, whatever caused them to take a minute and make a positive contribution deposit into the soul of another is powerful, I am forever grateful.
The Keene’s received a gift this holiday season. The present was strategically wrapped and left on our driveway. The symbol had more significance than just three words carefully painted. The card handwritten by the author was genuine. The writer thanked us for kind gestures, meaningful tweets and blogs of inspiration. It could not have come at a more divine time.
Being a coaching family is never easy. It’s not all about the W’s and L’s; it’s how you play the game of life. In two thousand eleven this family has played more run and gun defense than Grinnell ever intended when this style was created. Our legs are worn-out but our effort is solid and our heart bleeds school pride. A life lesson we teach the boys--finish everything you start. As parents we must live those values at work and home too.
A couple of take-a-ways from our special present---
1-STOP---One of the weaknesses of being controlling and urgent you want to go 100 miles an hour 24 hours a day. One speed….urgent. We must remember in our dwelling to STOP and smell the roses. Change is the only thing constant in this world and when we are going so fast how can we enjoy the experiences.
2-RED---Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear. No matter what you see on the side lines or in the office our family cares more than you could ever imagine. Coach and I give everything to facilitate our teams to be successful, on and off the court. We teach and hold people accountable. I urge you to look deeper than the plays being called on the sideline. I insist you to look at the full picture of what happens in the office. Nine times out of ten you will find both of us going the extra mile behind the scenes. Don't be so quick to judge our heart when its gives off high energy heat everyday. Who doesn't want to warm up by a high energy personality?
3-OCTAGON—This eight sided sign represents the eight parts to our Keene values; Faith-Marriage-Children-Family-Careers-Household-Opportunities-Risks. Just like everyone in the world these eight values are always shifting in importance. Sometimes hourly. One thing will never change is our commitment to each other. No matter how nutty it gets, the day always ends at home with the people who matter most. I have a goal—never let "it" steal OUR family time. Basketball can turn our octagon into a circle of madness. Often I have to be the advocate for the kids or myself—-and I can be quite persuasive! No one will ever value time like we do at home. Ever. Managing our octagon is a full time job.
4-DON’T STOP BELIEVING—This motto has been adopted as our family mission statement for a few years. Opportunities are always present. Occasionally it’s hard to recognize the sun for all the clouds. Then---God sends a sign.
Yep, Did you hear that? God sent a sign...Don't stop believing--Ever. The clouds are beginning to part because opportunity is already calling.