Cameron's birthday was the first family "event" since my grandmother passed away. While I was frantically getting ready for the party, I let myself reflect for a minute. Hard to believe my grandma was celebrating Justice's birthday in March. We sat in the kitchen and ate ice cream together. I poured her coffee. My mom, Ashley, and my grandpa talked about the battle before my grandma, like it was years, not months. Wow, we were naive.
My grandma always brought a bouquet of flowers when she came to visit. And always on special occasions, which brings me to back to the party. "Ding, Dong." Our doorbell rang, guests were arriving. My grandpa was waiting at the door, with his gift in one hand, and a bouquet of flowers in the other. I did everything I could to fight back the tears. He said, "grandma would have wanted you to have these." I did a really good job, being the actress I am, to hold back the tears until ALMOST all the guest had left.
Ashley and I cried on the porch swing. Yeah, it was a moment. I don't really know why? Maybe because we didn't treasure her more while she was on earth. Maybe because I swear Justice saw her at pre-school the first day. Maybe because I think of her everyday at my new job. AND MAYBE I just need to be on hormones!
Ironically, this picture was captured. The pink flowers represent my grandma. The table represents my family. Its amazing how she shows up when I least expect it.
I have shared before my Grandma served the helpful, the helpless and the hopeless. I can only hope my light shines like hers as I serve people!