Dear Cameron,
Happy 1st Birthday! Time flies when you live in the Keene house. Seems like yesterday Justice was running down the hallway at Cottage Hospital exclaiming in his best outside voice, "Come meet my brother everyone, he's over here!" Yes, this was followed by a parade of people filtering into that clean hospital room to greet you for the first time. You are my special little love. You are my mamma's boy. You like mommy to rock you to sleep at night and you cry everyday I leave for work. You sleep in your crib, unlike your older brother, and you walked at 11 months old. You just "like" your pappy, and you sure hate socks! You learned words this year like, da da, ball, tractor, kitty, cookie, ma ma, and ni ni. You have a mouth full of teeth and your smile melts hearts all over Macomb! One of your favorite things is riding the tractor with Justice and Gan-Pa Dana. You are the perfect completion to the Keene family, and I would not have it any other way, even when you don't sleep. :) This is going to be a great year. Justice started school and you learn something new everyday. Mommy is so lucky to have three blessings in her life, Daddy, Justice and You. I love you Cameron Meyer Keene and I will always be your biggest fan!
Love, Mom