They say that what you focus on expands. If you concentrate on what your grateful for, rather that on what's troubling you, you tend to be happier. At the top of my gratitude list are my two boys, Justice and Cameron. I miss them. I wish I could bottle up time and make weekends longer and workdays shorter. I do my best to make quality time. Also, on my gratitude list is my multi-taking husband. Coach is one of those "not afraid to get his hands dirty" kind of dads. He does it all, and without complaining. I don't think many women can honestly say that. Yet another thing I am grateful for is my career. My work is meaningful. I appreciate everyday, even the dreadful ones.
I was having a terrible day this week. I went to pick Justice up at pre-school just looking for a few moments to sulk in self pity while I was sitting on the bench in front of MacArthur. Another mother came early too, she sat beside me. I said, "How are you?" Honestly, just trying to be nice. She said, "Terrible!" Her lip began to quiver and a tear started down her cheek. "My niece was the two year old girl who died in the fire yesterday in Macomb." At that moment, my world seemed perfect. How could I continue to pout around feeling sorry for myself after hearing this? It hit home, straight through my heart! Justice came running out of the school building. I hugged him tight. Bear hug tight. He says, "mommy, you look sad?" I said, "Justice, these are happy tears from heaven." The song playing on the raido on my way back to work was, "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Here's your sign. As November is upon us, and Thanksgiving is on the brink, take time to make a gratitude list. Even if only a mental one. Everyday, I challenge myself to be thankful for what I have and more aware of the blessings before me!