Yep, I fake it. I fake it all the time.
As leaders we often have to appear interested in our employee’s information, when in actuality we could care less. It’s my time to be a Golden Globe actress with the art of professionalism. Like Nike says, just do it. It makes everyone engage. It only takes a second to stop. Even when you don’t feel like speaking in the hallway, smile and fake it. When an employee gets a “win”, congratulate 'em. When someone is eating lunch alone, you invite then to your table. Sometimes taking the extra second to just act interested can engage an employee to pass it on. Before you know it, you might not have to fake it anymore.
I fake it with my kids. I sing good morning songs to Justice and Cameron every morning—even when I don’t feel like sunshine and rainbows. Sometime faking it can trick yourself into feeling it. I get to perform the role of strong and not tired on a nightly basis. I fake being a good cook with the tricks I pick up from the Internet. I also get to fake having things under control, when in reality I am swirling from the within.
Faking it also plays a role in behind the bench. I get to pretend I don’t hear downbeat comments. I get to close my eyes to dagger looks across the gym. I also get to fake I am not effected by rumors. I get to fake when I know people are purposely ignoring me. But your right, the program is probably that interesting or you needed to stare at your watch when I walked by to make eye contact. I would say--coward. And that's not faking. I get to fake being excited about hate mail. I get to make excuses why Justice cant get the mail anymore, just in case. I also get to fake not knowing exactly who sent it. I am smiling in the gym, and faking it right now.
After graduating top of the class from faking 101; I heard a sermon while driving Justice to Lincoln Elementary. The preacher was challenging Christians to pray for your enemies. What? Pray for people who cause pain and adversity? At first I was faking to be listening, but then I tuned in deeper. Pray for my enemies.... I got quiet on Jackson Street. Tears went down my cheeks. Justice asked, "Mom, are you praying again? Did Jesus just spank you?" It was like a weight being lifted off my shoulders. Two people I never have to be fake with, Coach and God. It was like he whispered to me in that very moment, "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." That's exactly what I am going to do. Set an example to my children to love our enemies. I asked Justice who the meanest kid at school was...and we prayed for him before we got out of the car. Yep, eyes closed, head bowed and neither of us were faking....