The boys and I collected acorns and planted our thankful tree in the living room one day after school. All four of us sat around the kitchen table and labeled the leaves with things that are important to us. Justice used his best penmanship and Cameron shouted this thoughts. Coach very strategically placed a "understanding wife" on the back of this "healthy family" leaf. I think that might have been more of a request than a praise. Anyhoo, it was fun and the boys were very proud when we planted the tree inside the vase.
What am I thankful for? I thought about this question for a few hours. I guess the answer is--Seasons.
Seasons of friendships, seasons of school, seasons of children, seasons of careers, seasons of basketball, seasons of family, seasons of life. I am thankful for all the ups and downs along the way. In all the seeds that have been sown that have led me to this new season of gratitude. Without all the periods that have come before there could not be this time, this stage of life, this clarity about what is really important. Each seed sprouted an idea, an experience, a part of who I am today. And today, I am even more grateful for life's blessings, for the love that exists, for the love that remains when friends and family have passed, and for the love that will be.
Happy Thanksgiving from The Keenes!