In celebrating the month of thankfulness the State of Illinois gives an outstanding caregiver award. Over 120 Supportive Living Communities compile their best of the best stories and submit hoping their employee will win this great honor.
My phone rang yesterday at 4:15. My assistant says, "OMG Andrea, its someone from the State of IL Department of Aging." Yes, when you manage a state regulated anything, anytime you hear the word S-T-A-T-E you get alittle hot and bothered. I answered with my most relaxed voice.
"The is Maureen and your applicant was chosen as our 2011 Outstanding Caregiver of the Year. There was no doubt after the 1400 applications the picture you painted was the clear winner! Congrats---" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH----So excited. We get to travel to Chicago and be honored by the Governor at a luncheon. I am so happy, but mainly honored to have this special lady as an employee.
Here is the letter---ENJOY!
White tennis shoes dazzling, check.
Apron pressed to perfection, check.
Life-size beam on her face, check.
This is the daily check list 72-year-old Mary Bice checks off before clocking in as a server at Grand Prairie Assisted Living. Mary is full time in the dietary department as well as full time in the customer service division. Mary exemplifies what it means to be significant in senior’s lives.
The best part of waking up at Grand Prairie is Mary Bice’s coffee brewed to perfection. She greets every residents with a colorful, “good morning” and definitely means it. Mary knows the residents likes and dislikes when it comes to mealtime almost compared to the back of her hand. As soon as Ruth walks in Mary places her “usual” with the cook and serves it fresh with a grin. Mary turns Grand Prairie’s dining room into mom’s kitchen table and makes you feel like family. Mary, just like mom, knows when something is on a residents mind. She has an approach of helping to ease their disposition. Sometimes it’s a cup of her famous hot chocolate, now and again it’s a hug, and from time to time she shares a few tears. Mary is real. Mary is a 72 year old wonder.
Mary’s attention to detail is immaculate. She mentors the young servers on the proper way to wash, launder and fold the table cloths. Mary teaches this in a way the servers want to do their best. Mary can be a leader without being the leader. That is special. Mary is so particular about creating a family atmosphere in the dining room she is often caught clocking out to finish last minute details before she leaves for the day. Yes, clocking out to make Grand Prairie shine.
My expectations are high as a leader. Mary’s expectations are high as a server. I have heard the later years of life are called “the golden years.” Mary is the spokes lady for what I hope to be at 72. She chooses to spend her time giving back to her peers, teaching the next generations a skill or two, and making peoples day-everyday. Thank you Mary Bice, you are a gift to our community.