Running shoes, high heels, flats, sandals, golf spikes, strappy shoes, flip flops, going out shoes, peep toes and much more. My excuse for rarely posting in the last few months; sole searching. Ironically, each shoe in my currently messy closest represents the many roles and personalities I wear in life. In my self reflection and discovery in the last 90 days I wear one shoe all the time. Even when I change shoes, just like Mr. Rogers, I am still mentally wearing that same darn pair. And the Oscar goes to...the black high heel. All business, all the time.
How many of you own a GPS. We have two in Keeneville. Love that thing. But how about the times you know for a fact you have taken the right turn but the silly machine says, "recalculating, recalculating." Frustrating--frustrating. Last week, while driving in one of my deep moments of thinking it hit me. What about your INTERNAL GPS? Sometimes don't you ever wonder, "how in the world did I get here?" Often we may think we have missed the exit or maybe drove to far, but truthfully we are right on pace. Mile marker 34 for this Nike lover says its been all uphill for the last few months. I am just gonna keep on driving, petal to the metal style.
If you hear that voice in your head saying "recalculating" just slow down and refocus. Maybe your soul just needs to pull off to a rest area. Fill that gas tank again. (Andrea--this is the little voice inside your head saying--take a vacation!) You may not know what your purpose is right now. That’s OK. I have to remind myself of that often. The important thing is to make it your life mission to find it, live it and share it. To help find your passion, seek out experiences that allow you to use your strengths and gifts. If you DO hear the "recalculating" voice over and over again; quit for the right reasons. Don't quit because work is hard or you're experiencing challenges. Quit because in your heart you know there is something else for you to do. Quit because you are not benefiting yourself or the organization you work for. Quit because you are absolutely certain you are no longer supposed to be there. The quest for your purpose is not a straight line. It is filled with mystery, signs, obstacles, victories, dead ends, delays and detours. Your job is to stay optimistic and faithful on your quest.
The last question to be answered on this stormy night is, what shoes will you wear to get there? I need to do a better job mixing that black high heel of business with Dorothy's ruby slippers. There IS no place like home or the 3 boys that live in it on West Adams. The seriousness of my career often has a trickle effect over to my fun-o-meter. I need to make myself mentally toss the black heels of business in the back seat this upcoming 3 day weekend. (exhale and BIG deep breath) Stop the press, I just might go barefoot!