Time flies when your having fun, but what about when things aren't so rosey? Hours can feel like days and days like weeks. Its funny how goals we want, may not always be the plan God has. Let me clarify, I didn't say not Gods plan, just not the plan-- right now.
I vividly remember living in Mississippi feeling broken. God had a plan, and the plan was even better than I had anticipated.
I remind myself of a time about 8 years ago the Keene's wanted a certain coaching job beyond words. It did not work out. God had a plan, and the plan was even better than we had anticipated.
I can also remember a couple who really wanted this certain home. It did not work out. God had a plan, and the plan was even better than we had anticipated.
I can also remember getting a certain phone call that caused me to re-evaluate my pharmaceutical career. I was devastated. God had a plan, and the plan was even better than we had anticipated.
I am sure you are getting my point by now. We often think in our earthly minds that the perfect opportunity is being presented. Guess what? The perfect opportunity that is being supernaturally formulated is greater than we ever anticipated. So, in light of my positive attitude, I have declared myself LEADER and Grand Pooba of the Coach Keene Training Camp for the positive thinking. Knowing how Keene's like to get the most out of everyday and every minute, I may demand two-a-day mental workouts. Listed below are the down and backs I am going to push Coach Keene to ponder in the next few weeks as he sets his sights even more focused on his goals.
1-When you face a setback, think of it as a defining moment that will lead to future accomplishments...
2-When you encounter adversity, remember, the best don't just face adversity; they embrace it...
3-Know the key to life is staying positive
4-When you face naysayers, remember the people who believed in you and spoke positive words
5-Tune out critics
6-Take a morning walk of gratitude and prayer
7-When you fear, trust
8-When you fail, find the lesson and move on
9-When you head into battle--visualize success
10-Stop thinking about the past or worrying about the future. The NOW is the power
11-When you want to complain, identify a solution
12-Don't let self doubt crowd your mind
13-When you feel distracted, focus on your breathing, observe your surroundings and clear your mind
14-God makes all things possible
15-When you feel alone, think of all the people who have supported you along the way
16-When you feel lost, pray for guidance
17-Finish Strong
18-You can do ALL things through Christ that strengths us
19-Focus on what you can control
20-When you are in a high pressure situation and the game is one the line, and everyone is watching you, remember to smile, have fun and enjoy it. List is short; you only live once. Seize your moments
I am going to rap this Zig Ziglar speech up with a big CONGRATS on the Illinois Basketball Coaches Association Coach of the Year award. You give 100% 365 days of the year. I wish the media could spend a year with you to showcase how you spend your time. (On a sidebar--Can you imagine a Keene reality show? That would be scary! Justice would have to be censored, daily...)Everything you do, everything you touch, everything you own, everything you stand for is a class act. You do it with style, everyday. Don't ever let the naysayers take you down. You have to many people on your spirit wagon to ever let them steal your joy. Chin up. Remember, God's plan is better than we have ever anticipated. That's a promise!