You can almost predict the month when you walk into our abode. March Madness now has migrated two, yes two, hoops into my living room. Between the big one getting fouled every two minutes and the little one screaming "hoop, hoop" I am one short quarter away from getting T-ed up into insanity! I guess it could be worse. The daddy could have insisted on a hoop over the couch.
Anyhoo, Every Keene in Keeneville filled out a bracket, daddy bear all the way to wee baby bear. Last year Justice won the big pool at Illini West High School. He spent his big money on Dr. Seuss books. Gotta love that! His bracket---not looking so swell this year. The other night we were all filling out our brackets. (On a side bar--is that normal? Yes, we had a family meeting in our PJ's around the kitchen table on the eve of the tournament. Normal? naaaa!) Justice says, "Mom, pick your wins with your heart, not your mind. That's what I do!" So I took the advice of my ever so brilliant five year old and did just that. Justice, of course, picked Duke as his big winner.(shocker-brainwashed) Mommy went for BYU. Yeah, I know, its a long shot but I have grown to like Jimmer. :) Yes, Coach Keene I do agree Jimmer could play alittle more defense, but nobodies perfect!
Speaking of no body's perfect, I need a housekeeper--STAT. I hired someone to organize my kitchen. Just need to pick the date. I hired a contractor to re-do our fireplace and some other projects around the house we have neglected. Now, I just need a housekeeper. Coach and I are like a machine at night, cook, clean, baths, make dinner for tomorrow, books then bed. When I come home, I want to concentrate on my kidos. I feel like a slave to housework. AND its still never perfect.I think I am more worried about keeping up the image of having it all together, then actually having it together. Probably every working mothers problem. I should once again take the advice of the five year old ESPN commentator, "pick with your heart, not your mind." This might be my new housework philosophy too.