Dear Justice,
Happy 5th Birthday! Where is the time going?
We are very proud of you. Just think how far you have came this year. You started school and you ride a bus! You get to sit on daddy's bench and go into the locker room for the half time talk. You play outside alone and you have already out grew your little bike. You love your brother and share, well, some of the time. You eat like a ten year old and will do just about anything for ice cream. Basketball is your great love, and you asked for a "real hoop" for outside. In your spare time you are either memorized by Spongebob or the perfect green John Deere tractor. You and daddy read books everynight. Sometimes I sit on the stairway in the quiet dark and listen to your thought provoking questions. I laugh and cry. You are very smart. You are growing like a weed! You outgrew 2 sizes in the last 7 months alone. You are tall and strong. And your hands are huge! Better to dribble with, my love. Mommy wishes she was home more, but you seem to understand. And you help Cameron understand too. That makes my heart happy. In a world where most people judge, you don't. Everyone tells you to calm down. Yes, you are electric! But mommy reminds people you are only little once and secretly, don't care what they say. You be yourself Justice Keene, we all need to learn in our own way. You are special. I love you with all my heart and can't wait to see all the new adventures 6 will bring.