I’m like the country mouse in the city when I head to Chi-town for a conference. Driving in the traffic makes me a little looney. My hands get sweaty. I double and triple take exit signs. I even wear my glasses! AND...I got the finger, twice. Next time I am taking the train. Bottom line…
The most memorable event at the three day conference was a motivational speaker named Simon Bailey. Wow, the man can lead. He can also inspire the weakest of personalities. He entertained the convention for over an hour with his stories to push the shift to be the shifter. In sixty minutes he made me laugh, ponder, cringe, cry and dream. In the final segment of this production he took the last three minutes to thank a special person in his life, his wife. He shared his success is attributed to her sacrifice. He said she believed in him when no one else did. She taught him the stream you drink from is the stream you think from and eventually the stream you become. She was his best friend, chief fan, earnest motivator and the finest visionary he knew.
Why I am I telling you this story? Great leaders are exceptional communicators. Simon Bailey; great communicator. Behind every influential leader is a piece of the puzzle behind the scenes. This motivational guru didn’t have to take the last few minutes of his fame in front of thousands of people to say “thank you” to this wife. Honestly, she never would have known either way. He did it because they were a team. The team is significant.
How many coaches wives got a hand written, stamped in the mail, thank you note from their husbands at the conclusion of the season this year? I did.
I debated whether to share this. I won’t go into detail, but this one page note meant more to me than any thank you ever had before. It was heartfelt. It was hand written. It captured the meaning of our connection. We are a team.
I felt pretty low this season missing so many games. 26-3 is something I wanted to feel a part of. Duty called at home. Their names were Justice and Cameron. Most people go to watch the game. I go to watch him lead. He inspires me.
If you know my personality, it’s not really the “behind the scenes” type. Coach recognizes that and still honored me for the sacrifice. My aspiration is for him to attain his goal. A goal I believe he will conquer, sooner rather than later. Watching Simon Bailey on stage, doing what he does best--lead. Then before the applause a special thank you to his missing teammate. That was a class act. The other class act I am married to…