"When you discover what you were made for your heart sings. It says, There's no place like this place, so this MUST be the place. Lead with your heart." This is the quote my husband text ed me the first day of work. Its been my motto for the last 9 nine days.
I think I have found my calling. The new job, makes my heart sing. Yep, its alot of work, but work that is meaningful. I watch people bloom right before my eyes. I get to reap the reward of problem solving and discover the feeling of being connected to an actually building. Grand Prairie is more than just a building, its home, on so many levels. I cant believe I drive my car now to an actual location, get out and stay all day. I have people who trust me to lead on every level of administration from the kitchen to the important task of nursing. I had to stop today, and just tell God "thank you" and say a little hello to my grandma.
Once the residents found out I could sing, boy, that opened up a can of worms! I was "afternoon entertainment" the second day. The songs requested were, You are my sunshine and Amazing Grace. I sang from my heart and had to wonder if Amazing Grace was actually a sign from God himself. I promised I was going to serve at my new career with the spirit of my grandma. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.." my grandma sang to me when I was little and came to play at her house. My mom also sang me that song. "Amazing Grace" was a hymn sang by everyone at my grandmas funeral before we said our final good-bye. Kinda gave me chills and I had to fight back a tear as I sang the final verse to all the smiling faces.
Today was a small welcome party for me. My parents attended along with Coach and the boys. Justice was very intrigued with the entire operation. He was thrilled I had an office and wondered "Just WHERE will we put some of my tractors and snacks in here!" Coach shared that once Justice got home, he ran upstairs and found two clear pipes. He stuck them up his nose. "What are you doing" Coach asked? "I am making oxygen go up my nose so I can breath better, like the people at mommy's work." Good try, Justice. I give him points for that...Cameron was a huge hit. Who don't like to see a baby crawl around and smile? He was in excellent humor today. He showed off his teeth and ate some ice cream.
I am beyond exhausted this week. I have even been to tire to blog. I think I went to bed before 9 two nights. Well, school is almost here. Coach is back, almost, into school mode. Working on his room, while the grandma's begin to phase back into the babysitting role. Justice in pre-school. That, for some reason, makes my heart sad. But, we all grow up and we all grow old. I need to remember the journey is our reward of life. Too tired. Nothing like going to work tomorrow at 5:45 AM. Yeah, 3 shifts at Grand Prairie, plan to introduce myself to shift three a wee to early for this first shift gal. Hope my alarms does not fail me tomorrow!