While searching for my joy; God spoke. In trusting his timing I learned he is not the author of confusion but the leader of peace and rest. Today, I am compelled to share my story. Offer hope in troubled times. We must be courageous in Christ and realize their is a "set time" for everything. God is my joy and IN-COURAGE is my legacy. How will I lead with joy in Christ? IN-COURAGE others. It took a career earthquake for me to stop and listen.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Milestones To Remember
A parenting milestone this week. Justice's first day of school.
My heart strings were being pulled emotionally in so many directions, I don't think a map would have helped. My little man put his backpack on over his crisp new shirt and many pictures were taken. Justice was a trooper. He hopped right out of the car. Shook the principal's hand upon entering MacAuthur school and announced his teacher was "MRS. CREMER." We were greeted at the classroom door, finally the point of no return. Who would cry first? Me or Justice?
The teacher said, "Tell your mom good-bye Justice. We have a great afternoon planned!" He turned around, gave me a high five, and headed into the classroom. Then, after two steps he turned, came back outside the door and says, "Mom", while giving me a big bear hug, "I love you." Here I was, on the honest verge of the total ugly cry! I scooped myself off the floor and walk out of the pre-k building with huge tears surrendering down my cheeks. It was the moment I had dreaded since he came into the world. (On a side bar, before I gave birth to Justice, I had planed to take the minimum 6 weeks off of work and put him into daycare. Career was more important. Then, Justice Cater was born, a very late March 7th. Ironically, I took 18 weeks off for maternity leave and my mother retired to babysit Justice. I could never handle a stranger influencing my baby.) And, now, I have lost my control for the first time and I hate it.
He told me today that Grandma Barb was sitting in the reading corner. (My grandmother passed away on July 20th) I said, "Justice, are you sure?" He told me, "Yeah, only two people were allowed in the kitchen area so I went to the reading corner and looked at a book with Grandma Barb." Either he has quite an imagination or she was watching over him on this life changing afternoon!
Congratulations Justice Keene, we are so proud of you this week!!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Be The Change
Yep, my husband has a little black book.
It's not what you might think though. He has been carrying this little piece of innovation around in his pocket for weeks now. Every time he gets a creative idea or has a spark of inspiration, he opens this book and writes.
At night, the book sleeps next to the bed. Coach is a student of life and this book is proof. (It also proves he is alittle OCD, he has placed in tabs for motivational quotes, rewards for players, ways to promote the program, and lastly, new plays/game film.Ha, sorry, dear.) I watch him read books on motivation, I encounter him studying bits of advice from coaches who have walked the walk before and I listen to him as he speaks the swagger to himself before he writes.
Coach loves to lead more than anyone I know. As we embark on the new school year, I pray for wisdom, for him to make good choices. I pray for a path that is filled with encouragement, commitment and celebration. It's often scary to think girls age 14-18 hold our future coaching goals in their hands. There is something about this year, that feels different? This is the first year in a while that the players wear their hearts on their sleeve and will do anything to keep their commitment to win. Players make a team, but heart wins championships. The leader, he committed to "being the change." Will this year's change be enough to win? Only 78 more days and the future becomes today...yes, behind the bench, season #8, ready or not...
The State Fair, Our First and LAST...
Wow, it's been way to long. I have thought about the blogging world for days now, it's finding the time to type the love. Where do I even start...decision's, decision's?
Well, I must share Coach and I made a terrible parenting mistake last weekend. Two word, State-Fair! Justice kept begging to milk a cow, he grumbled, "it's allllll he ever wanted." So you know what that meant. The entire family, double stroller and all, loaded up in the 107 degree heat index and decided to embrace the 2010 State Fair. I was actually kinda looking forward to the trip. I think the last time I made an appearance at the State Fair was when I was in 4-H. Yep, I sewed an outfit and won a blue ribbon. I got to model the peach shirt and skirt set on the runway at the State Fair in like, um, 1986. Man, I am telling my age...
I knew before the Chrysler 300 pulled out of the driveway that we should just give up before we left. I made 6 trips back into the house, my already sweat beaded forehead had forgot numerous important items for two needy children. (deep breathe) We arrived at the hot, stinky dust bowl and were directed to park on the opposite side of racetrack. Ya know, only 1/2 mile from actual fair. So by the time we got to the cow milking area Justice announced, "he didn't want to milk a cow anymore!" In parent hour's, it took us way more than you can count on one hand to get the kids ready, drive to Springfield, and NOT milk the darn cow...but Justice won. He refused. So, the trip continued to go downhill from that moment on. He rode a few rides, had a major meltdown in the maze. Coach actually had to go into the kids ride and carry him out. I think Justice just might be scarred for life, when it comes to Carney rides that is. The food was highway robbery. A lemon shake-up, $6 people...geeze. We stayed two miserable hours and surrendered. Our car smelled so bad the next day from our 2 hour drive home that I actually had to febreeze and fresher the entire thing overnight. Coach and I laughed on the way home, as the kids snored in the back from heat exhaustion, we know why the tickets were FREE. You have to be a little loony to battle the fair with two kids and triple digit temperatures! Life Lesson #215, if your child wants to milk a cow, find a local farmer!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Do What Makes Your Heart Sing

"When you discover what you were made for your heart sings. It says, There's no place like this place, so this MUST be the place. Lead with your heart." This is the quote my husband text ed me the first day of work. Its been my motto for the last 9 nine days.
I think I have found my calling. The new job, makes my heart sing. Yep, its alot of work, but work that is meaningful. I watch people bloom right before my eyes. I get to reap the reward of problem solving and discover the feeling of being connected to an actually building. Grand Prairie is more than just a building, its home, on so many levels. I cant believe I drive my car now to an actual location, get out and stay all day. I have people who trust me to lead on every level of administration from the kitchen to the important task of nursing. I had to stop today, and just tell God "thank you" and say a little hello to my grandma.
Once the residents found out I could sing, boy, that opened up a can of worms! I was "afternoon entertainment" the second day. The songs requested were, You are my sunshine and Amazing Grace. I sang from my heart and had to wonder if Amazing Grace was actually a sign from God himself. I promised I was going to serve at my new career with the spirit of my grandma. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.." my grandma sang to me when I was little and came to play at her house. My mom also sang me that song. "Amazing Grace" was a hymn sang by everyone at my grandmas funeral before we said our final good-bye. Kinda gave me chills and I had to fight back a tear as I sang the final verse to all the smiling faces.
Today was a small welcome party for me. My parents attended along with Coach and the boys. Justice was very intrigued with the entire operation. He was thrilled I had an office and wondered "Just WHERE will we put some of my tractors and snacks in here!" Coach shared that once Justice got home, he ran upstairs and found two clear pipes. He stuck them up his nose. "What are you doing" Coach asked? "I am making oxygen go up my nose so I can breath better, like the people at mommy's work." Good try, Justice. I give him points for that...Cameron was a huge hit. Who don't like to see a baby crawl around and smile? He was in excellent humor today. He showed off his teeth and ate some ice cream.
I am beyond exhausted this week. I have even been to tire to blog. I think I went to bed before 9 two nights. Well, school is almost here. Coach is back, almost, into school mode. Working on his room, while the grandma's begin to phase back into the babysitting role. Justice in pre-school. That, for some reason, makes my heart sad. But, we all grow up and we all grow old. I need to remember the journey is our reward of life. Too tired. Nothing like going to work tomorrow at 5:45 AM. Yeah, 3 shifts at Grand Prairie, plan to introduce myself to shift three a wee to early for this first shift gal. Hope my alarms does not fail me tomorrow!
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