Thursday, July 26, 2012

For Better or Worse

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, or so the song goes. I must declare that Team Keene is rock solid after this year of marriage. Just when you think you have life under control a major change alters all your thoughts and feelings. I am very proud of the way Coach and I developed an even deeper companionship over heart ache. Looking back, and yes hind sight is always more vivid, I wouldn’t change it. The time we spent in crisis, in the privacy of our own home, was a reflection of our connection. The late night consultations and early morning tears were there, but we had each other. Someone who knew exactly how you felt. Out of the darkness and into the light of hope we had a new answer. God knew we needed a change. Now we get to start another story right here in our own town, together. How lucky are we? The kids are happy. The grandparents are happy. My job is happy. It’s a perfect match, in so many ways. A happy marriage is what happens while two good people are busy trying to make it through another year of paying their bills, raising their kids, doing their chores, keeping sight of their dreams, and somehow, always finding the time to show how much they care. The Keene way is always busy, and though we may not show our heart each day, what really matters is the secret to our success, teamwork. Happy BIG NINE to my best friend.

Monday, July 23, 2012

First week of basketball camp down. Wow, I had no idea how much easier life would be coaching and living in the same town. Incredible. Justice was a gym junkie this week and spent his AM’s doing drills with the younger kids. His love for basketball is so Coach Keene. Coach asked the girls what some of their goals were for this year. On a side bar this exercise was a little like deer in headlights to the players. Not sure they have ever thought about their hopes and dreams beyond the pregame warm up. Justice was real quick to say HIS goal was redbird area! He’s six and he gets it. Now I am sure some people look at our family and think—yep, fanatical—but I beg to differ. We are living life lessons right in front of our children. Coach and I are not interested in being our kids best friend, we are in tune to teaching them life IS their best friend! If you push yourself, even sometimes when it’s not popular-- the end result will always be worth the struggle. Speaking of the wedding end in mind—my sister is getting married in 13 days. I have spent the last six months holding the title of Matron of Honor. She is going to be a stunning bride. Long Blonde hair with the prefect amount of curl, dress fits like it was made for her, blue eyes with the perfect amount of makeup, and her adorable blue shoes. I have been searching for just the right words to toast her and her new husband at the wedding for weeks. Every time I put my pen to paper, I change my angle. I guess time will tell; I work best under pressure. Not to mention the pressure of the wedding day getting my six, two and thirty two year old “ceremony ready”. That will be a blog of its own; I am convinced. I am exhausted just thinking about it…quick, somebody get the smelling salt. Speaking of pressure, I get the pleasure of being audited by the state this week. Ready or not, but I am ready. Nothing freaks a person out most then being scoped and probed with a fine tooth comb. I am very fortunate to have a top notch staff that makes me look good on a daily basis. I only anticipate this week for us to shine like the Dominican Sun. Man, I miss that sun. Busy next two weeks, the wedding, a baby shower, basketball camp, and our anniversary. Nine years of wedded bliss and basketball. Wonder how many star spangled banners I have heard in nine years? The BIG question is, how many in a lifetime?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ready Or Not---SEASON 10!! Excited to be ORANGE AND BLACK!

Fifty Shades

I am not sure if you have heard the hype of Fifty Shades of Grey, but wowzers! I am pretty sure every woman at the resort was reading this steamy book. Upon recommendation of my colleagues; I also caved and purchased. I was blushing the entire trip. I decided the certified book of the Dominican Republic was none other than this sweltering trilogy. Perfect read for 100 degree days by the pool. Anyhoo--Fifty shades of sunshine did the Keene's very well. The Dominican Republic is a beautiful place to have some quiet time. It did take me 24 full hours to melt into vacation mode, but once I got, was it nice. Coach and I read, relaxed, took a five mile walk everyday on the beach, had a slushy drink in our hand almost hourly, napped, read some more, had deep conversations and congratulated ourselves on making it the last six months. Let me say this again, Coach and I needed this time away more than ever before. Big kudos to our family for watching the boys. The kids had a full few days too equipped with swimming, campouts, more swimming, parks, cookouts and endless snuggles. Speaking of Fifty Shades, I am pretty sure Coach Keene hit all fifty drinks offered in the tropical menu this trip. Every year he declares a challenge upon arrival at our tropical destination. On another note, this is the first trip in nine seasons that was not consumed with Fifty Shades of basketball. Yes, I know--shocker! He did spend some time reading and writing like a stenographer, but not the entire trip. We set some professional and personal goals and did a lot of snoring poolside. Well, maybe I was the one snoring, He rested quietly. It’s often hard for me to not feel I am in Fifty Shades of competition with Coach. Sometimes I feel my success is invisible to his. Being recognized nationally in my profession was not enough this year to overcome questions about “what’s next for your husband?” Yes, I realize inquiring minds want to know, but there are two Keene’s trying to change the world. Often I am juggling so many aspects of life; I forget to enjoy my own. The bible says a wife should be a compliment to her husband, not in competition. I do my best to make his weakness, my strengths. I can honestly say his strengths are my weaknesses. Match made in heaven. Lastly, I am looking forward to Fifty Shades of Bomber Basketball that will start our Season 10 next week. Season 10--where does the time go? Its gonna be a great year. I'll bet Fifty Shades of sunshine on it...

Nope, He never takes a break...

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Two Tickets to Paradise....

Yes, we are packing our bags and leaving today....whooo hooo!
Just finished four great days in St. Louis with the boys. Went went to the City Museum, Fitz's root beer, hit the casino for dinner, Magic house, mall, Cheesecake Factory, Water park, watched a movie and much more. It was a blast and the boys were excellent. I am pretty proud of myself for coming home with a mound of laundry and having it all washed and repacked in less than a few hours. Thats efficent! The boys are going in three directions for the next few days. Yes, I made a map in case they get lost! Coach and I are putting together our reading material for our four day adventure to Punta Cana pool/beach side. This trip is different. Normally we are comming off a 30 days of basketball madness. This trip is the calm before the storm. He's got an agenda on this getaway to create some hype around Macomb basketball. Yes--Believe the Hype people, its gonna be BIG! I am looking forward to quiet rest, not to mention not cutting little peoples food up or wiping faces for a few days. My biggest treat is escaping technology. Cell Phones, facebook, twitter, text---exhausting. Coach is a slave to that stuff--his phone buzzes and whistles all night long, everynight. Officially unplugging---see you in a few days.

Justice had a great time dancing the night away...

Congratulations! UBUNTU--Always

Kurt and Whitney's Wedding--What a fun day!

Justice at T-Ball--NOT his favorite sport....

Words of Wisdom from Cameron at T-Ball

Cam and Dad--best buddies

Justice at the City Museum

Water Room at the Magic House

Can you see who is "directing" all the kids in the Magic Market?

Dr. Keene taking care of all the new babies

Dr. Keene at the Childrens Hosptial in the Magic House

Magic House in STL

Magic House Masterpiece

Fitz's Rootbeer Factory--Of Course we had rootbeer floats!

City Museum in STL