Successful people get more out of 24 hours than their competition. I did alittle time stamp last week, between a full time job, 2 kids, a Thanksgiving feast for 217 people and 3 basketball games--I clocked around an 90 hour week. I am not kidding. I would get up early and not get back in bed until after midnight. Each "tick tock" of the clock, I was doing something meaningful---well, lets not count the World War 3 moments Justice fought sleep since Coach was away. Just to make sure I am getting all the pity I can, I must mention Cameron has YET to sleep an entire night too. Keene children have two gears, hyper and asleep. (DEEP CLEANSING BREATH)
After all the drama is said and done I'm pretty sure I am still made to be a coach's wife. I love the moment right before tip off and I live for a pounding heart as the minutes roll off the clock before a win. School spirit is in my blood. This year has started off great for the Chargers 3-0, but hard for this mama.
Being a Coach's wife also means putting your children first, even when your heart wants to be at the game. Since Justice is in school, a schedule is a must. Cameron also needs the routine. Traveling as groupies for the Chargers does not really fit into those requirements this year. Again, very hard for mama. Every coach preaches that "everyone has a role." Sometimes that role is in the starting 5, sometimes it's the spark off the bench! My role this year, during game time, is stability with our kids. Justice and I tune into WCAZ990 like clockwork. I do my best to get Cameron down in the first quarter. Justice shoots hoops and I listen from the rocking chair. Justice and I act silly and cheer from all corners of the house. It's our special time. Justice announces the score and holds his breath when we are down. He's so serious...he's so Zach! FYI-This picture is Justice dancing at 9:30 after we beat Galesburg! He's gonna love this pic when he's 16!
Again, successful people get more out of 24 hours than the competition. Three wins, three practices, 8 interviews and a radio show, both boys and mommy all got some "quality alone time" with Coach! Justice helped put up the snow fence. Yes, he's praying for snow now because he says, "were ready!" Cameron and daddy made dinner and played while JC and I went to Grand Prairie. And mommy got a DATE NIGHT to the VIBE Gala Fundraiser, all dressed up!
Love is spelled T-I-M-E. Not only did the Chargers score some lovin this week, but so did the Coach's family! Its a great day to be a Charger...