Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Tub People

We ARE the tub people. We buy more rubber maid tubs to store crap in than anyone in Macomb. We have every color of tub under the rainbow in our basement. Coach had a brilliant idea yesterday, to clean out our storage areas and re-organize all our crap for the winter. I was thinking on this beautiful Labor Day weekend to, ummm, RELAX? On a side bar,that is yet another thing the Keene's are terrible at, relaxing. We are high strung by nature, from daddy bear all the way to the wee little bear..anyhoo. Mission accomplished, one storage area organized, yet about 4 more to go. So what do you think the hold up was? Yes, indeed, we needed more rubber maid tubs. The entire Keene tribe made a fast trip to Wal-Mart, two carts and all, and loaded up with more flipping storage tubs. I swear we are nuts. After 12 long family hours of organizing, we threw in the towel, at least for the night. We have the basement left and my closet. Oh wait, and another closet. Good progress for 1 day, but believe it or not, we need more tubs. Good gravy...

Speaking of tubs, have you ever read the children's book, "The Tub People?" A drama in the lives of seven wooden figures: parents, grandmother, doctor, policeman, child, dog. Mostly, they stand in that order on the edge of a bathtub; sometimes they have adventures in the bath--riding on the soap, bobbing about. One day, as the others watch in helpless dismay, the child goes down the drain; the others mourn his absence till at last the drain clogs, a plumber is summoned, and the child is restored to the family--which gets a new home on a windowsill whence the vast mountains of a rumpled bed may occasionally be explored. And now, for the first time, the child quietly changes position to stand between his parents. The unspoken, unseen other story, in which a human child plays with these toys, makes this curiously intriguing. Justice really likes this book. I find it rather unusual, but it works.

Well, guess I will get my dirty little people into the tub. We had a fun day at Grams and Papa's and this momma bear could handle a few quiet minutes tonight in the tub herself...Happy Labor Day!