I am losing my mind. I am over-committed, over-worked, over-stressed and just plain over it! I would like to punch the woman in the mouth, fifty years ago, who thought women needed to be liberated! I am literally burning the candle at both ends. If I am not at work, I am working at home like a mad woman. If I am not at home, I am working late at my job. Geeze, I gotta find some balance. Basketball is right around the corner and I am wondering who will have a nervous breakdown first, me or coach. I can honestly say, I cant remember the last time either of us just "took five", seriously. Anyhoo...yeah, I know, get over it. Parenthood is exhausting, just let me lie down for ten minutes.
Hence, crazy life, I have not had a moments free time to blog. This IS my outlet and I have not had time to plug in for weeks.
Let's see in the last three weeks; I have celebrated my birthday, yep 29 again and again. Justice told me I was 112. Spent a child-less evening in St. Louis with Coach. I had a little R&R at the spa while he watched football in the hotel, then we partied like Rock Stars till the wee hours of the night. Good times! Probably the first time, in over 5 years, we let our hair down. Celebrated Cameron's birthday. More details to come. Yes, Cameron's party gets a post of its own.
I have to wonder, how do other parents do it? Coach and I give so much to our jobs and so much to our kids, when we DO get an extra moment--we just want to lie down for ten minutes! I feel guilty 24/7 about my of role in motherhood. I regularly feel nothing is ever enough. My house is a mess, well, most of the time. Laundry always needs done. I am not a very good cook. When I am home playing with my kids, I am often mentally at work. Again, balance. I am so VERY LUCKY to have a spouse that is commited to helping with any and every task needed to keep Keeneville going! I am beginning to think some of the negativity I hear ALL DAY at work is showing up in my blog tonight. Yikes. I need to adjust my attitude. I apologize. Better yet, I think I need to go to bed....
May the force be with all the mother and fathers who are trying to find a balance this week...