I heart July--Seriously! Why? Because unlike the Bible's 40 days and 40 nights of rain its all rainbows and downtime in Keeneville. Did you hear that, I just said DOWNTIME! Here's the scoop...
Daddy daycare starts as soon as the big basketball trip is over. The boys are thrilled to have Coach home everyday-all day. From breakfast to doctor appointments to play dates daddy does it all. I must also mention that by July 2nd he has a new appreciation of the Grandma's who work their butt off daily with our kidos. Its not an easy job, but the rewards are endless. Not to mention that Justice goes to school this year. The window of time is so short when they are little and what a great experience to say they spent that time with Grandma. Can't ever get those days back. Precious.
Anyhoo, I heart July beyond words. Having Coach home frees my evenings up a ton. I dont have to prepare tomorrows lunch for the boys, pick up and make it appear I can handle all this crazy. Not to mention school clothes, and my AM shuttle of who is going where. (exhale) My evenings are sitting on the front porch watching the boys play in the sprinkler or shooting hoops with daddy who thinks hes still "the man."
Did I mention I love July? Normally, I have one child standing next to me while I am getting ready for work and another one yelling into the monitor. In July, they both just come down and snuggle with daddy for some morning cartoons. I can actually put mascara on both eyes without interruptions. Small miracles.
Another July favorite is daddy cooks supper. Coach is an excellent chef. Normally, I am throwing something together the night before in the crock pot so when we both arrive home dinner is served. In July its something off the grill every night. You never know whats cooking, but you can smell the aroma as soon as you get out of the car...
I could go on and on about reasons I love July, but I will spare you the details. This coach's wife is so thankful for this month out of the year. Till we meet again July, but I will cherish you as we approach the half way mark!