Thursday, August 28, 2014

3rd Grade Or Bust

First week of school is in the books. Justice has been pumped! He picked out all ESPN folder and notebooks. Not to mention his new, super cool, ESPN mug. What eight year old drinks hot tea before school and watches Sports Center? Just Justice...

This is the first year no tears were displayed when he pulled out of the driveway. We've came a long way baby. No, really. Do you remember when Justice cried the first six weeks of Kindergarten. Those terrible moments when Mrs. Clark would peel my sobbing five year old off my leg as mascara rolled down my cheeks. UGH--to this day I still get embarrassed when I see Mrs. Clark. Yep, I'm THAT mom. Anyhoo, ten years from this exact week I will be dropping that third grader pictured off at college. Mr. Time, please slow down. I asked Justice, "what do you think will be the best part of 3rd grade?" He replied, "I don't know----I sure hope the toilet paper is softer this year." His other big concern was wearing a suit and tie on picture day. "Justice--are you eight or eighty-eight." He replied, "Mom, all the best coaches wear a suit for their program picture." He's got a point.