Saturday, September 28, 2013

Relationship Hierarchy

Years Married--10
Date Nights this Year--1

Need I really remind myself that Coach is the total package, and not just because he's tall, blonde and handsome. He's one of the most motivational and inspirational people I know, not to mention the funniest. He's confident and often cocky. He loves God, loves our kids and secretly loves our cat Emma. He's passionate about shaping the lives of high school kids and is constantly looking at both sides. He dreams big and works hard every day. He cleans, does laundry and is constantly reminding the kids to respect their mother. And he's got a nice butt. When it comes to husbands I hit the jackpot.

We had a perfect start. Fell pretty quickly and I knew he was the one. Although, I had no idea he was thinking about a proposal the day the bling came. In spite of our perfect story, as every married person knows, reality finds us all. I laugh at the first few years I thought Coach could do no wrong. Ten years later and two kids, I'm not always easy to please. And that is not a criticism of Coach's--he's the same guy I married. It's a criticism of myself and the expectations I place on marriage.

Don't we all want a fairytale ladies? Yea--swept off our feet daily. I want it all--to be loved, protected, adorned. At the very least. And, unfortunately for Coach, ALL, changes daily--sometimes hourly. Are fairy tale ladies as high maintenance as I often am? I have never heard Cinderella complain. Think of all the wicked spells and cleaning she has endured. She did it all in heels and a dress. My feet hurt from a long day in tennis shoes and khakis.

I spend my day surviving the chaos of work, endless lists, juggling kids and coach's schedule, phone calls from my family and friends, social media (should leave that one out) projects and pinterest, cooking, cleaning and working out. Deep breath. As I learn to seek balance I need to spend more quality time with my husband. Normally, once the kids have fought falling asleep, their clothes and backpacks are ready for the next day and shoes are found--I'm exhausted. Relationship don't grow under neglect. Our fast food culture pushes us to get the most done in the shortest amount of time. Yeah, I know, what are you getting at Andrea---just get to the point.

Relationship suffer when God is benched. Thought I better throw in a coaches wife reference! When I make spending time with God a priority, I find I always have time for my husband. I'm selfish less. I loose my temper less. I am less likely to keep a list of wrongs. I am more self controlled and generous. Kinda like that proverbs lady IS somewhere inside of me breaking free. Its amazing when I rearrange the relationship hierarchy--God, Coach, Kids and then the rest of the world--I feel the deepest exhale from within. Moral of the story, set my alarm 30 mins earlier to spend time with God. Make him the starter of my day rather than the afterthought. This can only help in the fourth quarter to have the time out we both need together. Speaking of quality time--only 13 days until our getaway. Praise God for vacation days AND grandparents for that matter. Did I mention the resort is six golden apples adults only!